September 2016
Lion Shepherd - Hiraeth
A project for singer Kamil Haidar and guitarist Mateusz Owczarek, Lion Shepherd’s debut is an album which I have returned to a number of times since the start of the year. It has a wistful and spiritual quality with psychedelic overtones, all coloured with ethnic influences. There is welly where required but it’s used sparingly and the whole is beautifully restrained.
Shadow Factory - Thanksa
In their own words Shadow Factory, a trio from Devon, describe themselves as a “funky groovy jazzy kind of experience”. They’re not wrong, the website going on to say “We aren’t proud and we’ve found that appropriating styles from music we like is both satisfying and stimulating – so don’t be surprised if you hear the influences of cajun, punk, ska, African, Zeppelin or even Val Doonican”. Included here is a re-imagined cover of Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side and live they use looping and sampling to build an interesting and varied sound which is successfully captured on Thanksa, an engaging, upbeat and fun listen.
October 2016
Adam Ironside - The Sky Painter
Based on Michael John Grist’s short story, The Skypainter is a largely instrumental project recorded almost entirely solo by guitarist Adam Ironside with added narration on two of the tracks to help flesh out the imagery. It’s an expansive work with well structured melodies and textures that starts orchestrally, allowing the listener to gather a feel for the story, before the epic second track sees Adam’s guitar come to the fore. There’s a metallic edge to a lot of the material but it stops short of becoming a shredfest, retaining masses of melody and with variations throughout to keep the listener engaged. Adam can certainly play but deserves extra credit for the skill taken in the composition and arrangements. Not for everyone but well worth giving it a try.
Pee Bee - All of Us 13
Pee Bee are a jazz collective based in Paris led by Italian saxophonist Claudio Pallaro and English bassist Gary Brunton. Named for the number of players, All Of Us 13 is their second album and it’s an upbeat listen. Straight jazz with a big band feel, courtesy of the large brass element, all done with an inventive enthusiasm. The performances are first rate and the pieces, in the main collaboratively written by the band, zing along with energy and humour. A number of the pieces are coloured by the French slam poetry of Damien Noury and the wonderful voice of Sandrine Deschamps is just a joy throughout, singing in French, Spanish and English, including on a lovely reworking of Janis Joplin’s Move Over. Well worth a visit for jazz enthusiast or novice alike.
January 2017
Various – Tripwave 2: Collection of Modern Russian Psychedelic Music
The title says it all, an invigorating glimpse into the hitherto hidden realm (to me at least) of Russian psychedelia. Trail Records have done a great job gathering together the nine disparate bands, the whole covering a lot of ground with all of those included having their merits. Of particular note are the reggae rhythms and soaring guitars of Ciolkowska, the heavier freakout sounds of Rada & Blackthorn that utilise female vocals and throat singing, Sonora’s slowly building sound, Cosmic Triggers’ wiggy psychout and the extended Eastern rhythms of Ole Lukkoye. 80 minutes of music to get completely lost in.