Sunday 5 May 2013


Being a willing but inherently lazy individual it has taken me a long time from deciding that I need somewhere to post any thoughts that do happen to enter into my head to actually doing it.

So here we are then.

The main focus of this blog will be music, which I have loved from an early age, and more specifically progressive rock in all manner of its forms which I have been passionate about since my teens. No doubt more on this at some point.

Since 2006 I have been writing album and gig reviews for the esteemed Dutch Progressive Rock Pages ( which has proudly been posting progressive rock reviews, interviews and all kinds of other things since 1995 which in Web terms is a mind bogglingly long time ago. At the moment my main hat is Reviews Editor, a role which I proudly took on at the start of 2013 and seem to be doing well enough at that I haven't been replaced yet. Long may this "job" continue as, so far, I love it.

The Team at DPRP are all passionate about the genre and if you haven't been there before please have a look around. The site is definitely showing it's age but plans are afoot to release a new and gleaming site out into the Interwebs hopefully sooner rather than later. Anyhoo, there is plenty of interesting stuff that will hopefully be a good source to dip into know and again and fire your enthusiasm for the most maligned of genres, now thankfully receiving more acceptance than at any time since I've been listening to it, Progressive Rock. (It's not all Hobbits and capes you know!)

I'll no doubt edge into other genres now and again and hope to include in these pages a kind of resource, if that's the right word, of my listening, gig going and writing.

Thanks for getting this far!


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