Monday 17 August 2015

TPA CD Review: Trey Gunn - The Waters, They Are Rising

Trey Gunn - The Waters, They Are Rising

You can read the full TPA Review here

...This is hypnotically beautiful music that you can really lose yourself in. Emotionally resonant and as deep as the flood waters it sets out to portray this is not and should never be regarded as background music, the variety of the material blending throughout with the watery theme.

19.8.2015 - A lovely comment about my review from Trey Gunn on his Facebook page:-

"Fantastic review of 'The Waters, They Are Rising' recordings. Probably the best one yet. It is incredibly satisfying when someone (especially a reviewer):
1. actually eats the food
2. tastes the food
3. digests the food
4. contemplates the experience
5. revisits it again"

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